Monday, December 23, 2019

Conservation Easement Cases: Cryptocurrency

Conservation Easement Cases: Cryptocurrency: Cryptocurrency More than 10,000 cryptocurrency investors face a decision as they open letters from the Internal Revenue Service inf...

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

IRS vs 831b captive insurance. Published on December 2, 2019 Edit article View stats call firstStatus is online call first Speaker,author at VEBA LLC | LinkedIn

IRS vs 831b captive insurance. Published on December 2, 2019 Edit article View stats call firstStatus is online call first Speaker,author at VEBA LLC | LinkedIn

(2) When things seem too good to be true, they usually are... Let’s say a man named John donates a conservation easement on his farm to a land trust. His | LinkedIn

(2) When things seem too good to be true, they usually are... Let’s say a man named John donates a conservation easement on his farm to a land trust. His | LinkedIn

Fwd: Captive Insurance And The IRS Settlement Initiative In Perspective - IR-2019-157: Christmas Came Early this Year for Taxpayers with Abusive Captive Insurance Arrangements - - Gmail

Fwd: Captive Insurance And The IRS Settlement Initiative In Perspective - IR-2019-157: Christmas Came Early this Year for Taxpayers with Abusive Captive Insurance Arrangements - - Gmail: Google's approach to email


Published on December 3, 2019
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Speaker,author at VEBA LLC
163 articles
I was an expert witness against the man that wrote this article. The captive 831b plan that he sold got audited by the IRS AND LOST IN TAX COURT, lANCE WALLACH

By: Sean Gregory King, JD, CPA, MAcc There’s an old saying among frequent users of the Internet: “Don’t feed the trolls”. By this is meant, don’t respond to people who deliberately make controversial or misleading statements (as doing so just gives them the attention or business that they crave and don’t deserve). I try to honor this advice when I can. But occasionally I feel compelled to feed a troll in order to keep the public from being misled. You see, the problem with trolls is…sometimes they wear a disguise. In fact, by all appearances, some trolls may even appear to the uninformed public to be unbiased “experts” on the matters upon which they opine. Believe it or not, some trolls are even lawyers. Take, for example, attorney Jay Adkisson. About once a quarter or so, Jay decides to publish some pretty scary and confusing things about captive insurance companies—things which

(7) When things seem too good to be true, they usually are... Let’s say a man named John donates a conservation easement on his farm to a land trust. His | LinkedIn

(7) When things seem too good to be true, they usually are... Let’s say a man named John donates a conservation easement on his farm to a land trust. His | LinkedIn

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Monday, December 2, 2019

Audits of section 79, captive insurance, 412i and 419 scams

Audits of section 79, captive insurance, 412i and 419 scams: .  If an IRS audit disallows the § 419 plan or the § 412(i) plan, not only does the taxpayer lose the deduction and pay interest and penalties, but then the IRS comes back under IRC 6707A and imposes large fines for not properly filing. Insurance agents, financial planners and even accountants sold many of these plans. The main motivations for...

Captive Insurance Bogus Risk Pools

Captive Insurance Bogus Risk Pools: For those businesses and practitioners found uncompliant with IRS standards, the consequences are severe and could include understatement and negligence penalties, as well as potential unwinding of the captive formation and loss of important tax benefits.Some captive managers offer their clients the opportunity to participate in "risk pools" that...

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IRS vs 831b captive insurance. Published on December 2, 2019 Edit article View stats call firstStatus is online call first Speaker,author at VEBA LLC | LinkedIn

IRS vs 831b captive insurance. Published on December 2, 2019 Edit article View stats call firstStatus is online call first Speaker,author at VEBA LLC | LinkedIn

CaptiveInsurancePlansAudited: section 79,412i captive insurance CJA audits? | La...

CaptiveInsurancePlansAudited: section 79,412i captive insurance CJA audits? | La...: section 79,412i captive insurance CJA audits? | Lance Wallach | Pulse | LinkedIn

When things seem too good to be true, they usually are... Let’s say a man named John donates a conservation easement on his farm to a land trust. His | LinkedIn

When things seem too good to be true, they usually are... Let’s say a man named John donates a conservation easement on his farm to a land trust. His | LinkedIn

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